For over 50 years, ALDO has been the ultimate destination for accessible fashion footwear, handbags and accessories for women and men all over the world. Always serving up fun style at an inviting price, ALDO is the brand of choice for everything, from heels, dress shoes and loafers to sandals, boots and sneakers, offering versatile, on-trend (and comfortable) styles for all your big moves and all your small steps.

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  (971) 323-1977

Meet Sail

Casual, cool, comfortable and so easy to work into your transitional wardrobe. Anchor your summer-to-fall looks with the boat shoes of the season. Sto...

Sneaker Sensations

An ode to faves from the past, these retro-inspired kicks are the cool yet elevated pair you need for all your fall strides. Stop by and shop in store...

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  (971) 323-1977


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